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Redvision Technologies

Want to increase your revenue using

Hey! I am NotBot. I have helped 100+ companies to increase their revenue 3x by leveraging Whatsapp.

Want to accomplish the same for your business?

Redvision Technologies

REDvision Technologies is a fin-tech firm which focuses on developing digital products that assist financial distributors and counsels in managing the wealth of their clients. They have made a strong presence in the industry with their robust products which helps financial distributors. They are committed to providing the finest products to their clients.

REDvision provides their service in online mode. They weren’t capable of providing various facilities that play a central role for the growth and development of one’s business in recent times. The problems which they faced were:

  • They couldn’t induce leads on Whatsapp
  • Lack of personalized service for users
  • No notification regarding new product launch

Notbot’s Chatbots enabled them to fluently generate new leads on Whatsapp, provide personalized customer service to their customers along with notifications regarding new product launches.

How Notbot’s Chatbots helped REDvision to increase their customer engagement and improve their customer service:

REDvision was able to provide first class customer service to their customers on Whatsapp with the help of Notbot’s Chatbots. They were able to:

  • Attract and engage new leads on Whatsapp
  • Provide seamless individualized service to users which focused on assisting the user 24/7 and solve their queries
  • Provide live chat and support on Whatsapp
  • Notify their users about the latest product arrivals

Notbot’s Chatbot enabled REDvision to effectively connect with their customers with the help of Facebook integration. Anyone who clicked on their Facebook advertisements received instant support on Whatsapp. 

Want to increase your revenue using Whatsapp?


Notbot has helped 100+ companies to increase their revenue 3x by leveraging WhatsApp.

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