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WhatsApp's Quality Rating and Messaging Limits

October 3, 2024

The quality rating displays how your customers have received your messages within a 24-hour time frame.

WhatsApp official Quality Rating and messaging Limits

Quality Rating

The quality rating displays how your customers have received your messages within a 24-hour time frame.

This task is performed by WhatsApp in three different states:

  • High (green)
  • Medium (yellow)
  • Low (red)

WhatsApp displays two more states: flagged and restricted. These two states are displayed to warn a user of their messaging limits.

Flagged: when a quality rating of a conversation reaches a low state, then the phone number is automatically moved to a flagged status. This means that the phone number is about to reach its messaging limit.

The phone number will be mediated to a connected status if its quality status improves to a high or medium state in a time frame of 7 days. The phone number will return to its connected status even if its status doesn’t improve within the required time frame. But it will be able to exchange a very limited number of messages.

Restricted: phone numbers are moved to a restricted state when they reach their messaging limits. These numbers won’t be able to send any message templates for 24 hours. They can continue sending messages when the 24-hour session for transferring messages is reset. However, they can respond to user-initiated conversations.

Messaging Limits

The messaging limits determine the number of new and existing conversations in which you can indulge on a daily basis. It doesn’t set a limit on the number of messages that can be sent in a conversation. It just limits the number of users you can reach out to.

Messaging limits are inapplicable to responses sent to a user-initiated conversation within a 24-hour session.

When a business registers its phone number, it operates in tier 1. The business will be upgraded to the next level if:

  • its quality rating is high or medium
  • The total number of users it sends notifications to adds up to double its current messaging limit within 7 days

The business will be upgraded to the next tier, once it hits its peak. The business will be upgraded after 48 hours if a business sends messages catching up to their current limit every day.

Messaging limits allow your business to:

Tier 1: Send messages to 1000 particular customers within 24 hours.

Tier 2: Send messages to 10000 particular customers within 24 hours.

Tier 3: Send messages to 100000 particular customers within 24 hours.


It is important to split your audience according to their region. Divide them accordingly and then gradually start sending message templates. Also, keep track of your messaging limits.

Stick to Opt-In Rules

In order to maintain a high-quality rating for your business, always follow the WhatsApp Opt-In Guidelines. You should only send messages to those customers who have opted for the notification provision. Also, provide them with the means to opt-out whenever they want to by sending them exact keywords such as STOP, UNSUBSCRIBE etc.

Personalized Conversation

The messages which you send must be in a conversational tone. Only useful messages must be sent to customers avoiding unnecessary introductory messages.

Messaging rate and time

Aim to send informational messages to your customers. Avoid sending too many messages in a single day. It’s important that you engage with your customers at the right time.